Our Animals
To book a private Meet-and-Greet with one of our animals, please click here.
Ellie the Arabian Horse
Ellie came to live at Simple Life Ranch because her human family members were in their eighties, and they needed to downsize to a smaller property.
Ellie loves cheek rubs and her favorite treats are carrots, celery, and apples.
Lulu & Clover the Mini Pigs
Lulu & Clover came to live at Simple Life Ranch when their human family was forced to re-home them after moving into a new neighborhood with strict HOA guidelines.
Lulu is a Juliana pig who loves snacking.
Clover is a pot-belly pig who loves sunbathing and belly rubs.
Sunny the Bearded Dragon
Sunny is a family pet whose bright personality lives up to his name.
Sunny loves pets on the head, sunbathing, and snacking on mealworms.
The Silkie Squad
Our silkie squad is made up of Itsy, Bitsy, Chixie, Dixie, Flitzy, Glitzy, Mitzi, Pixie, Ritzy and Trixie.
Silkies are miniature chicken furballs. They're friendly and curious, and love to play dress-up.
Pip and Squeak, the Serama Chickens
Pip and Squeak are a brother and sister pair that were rehomed to Simple Life Ranch when Squeak started picking fights with his rooster dad. Since Pip and Squeak have a close bond, they moved here together. Seramas are the smallest chicken breed in the world, but their personalities are big!